Data Professional Survey Breakdown

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Data Professional Survey Breakdown

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These are a few key insights I found while exploring this dashboard:

◾ All participants in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and other countries look for better salary and the option for remote work when looking for new jobs. Whereas in India, the participants say they look for better salary and other desired benefits, such as: positive work culture and opportunities for growth.

◾ In the United States and Canada, the highest average salaries for the female participants are in the financial industry. In the United States, the average salary is $80k, and in Canada it's $106k.

◾ Across the board, the highest education level shared amongst the survey participants is a bachelors degree, with masters degree coming in closely as the second highest education level.

◾ On average, female participants in the United States have the highest average rating in their happiness with their co-workers, compared to the other countries.

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