Salary Snapshots: Statewide Wage and Employment Data

Salary Snapshots: Statewide Wage and Employment Data

About this project

As a seasoned Excel user with a strong foundation in advanced skills, the Maven Analytics Labor Dashboard project provided an exciting opportunity for me to showcase my expertise by creating a highly sophisticated and interactive labor dashboard. This project is specifically designed to challenge and further enhance skills in data analysis, visualization, and dashboard design using Microsoft Excel.

The primary focus of this project is to leverage my mastery of advanced Excel techniques, particularly in implementing complex LOOKUP, AVERAGEIFS and SUMIFS calculations, to extract valuable labor market insights. By utilizing these powerful functions, it provides a way to seamlessly navigate and retrieve data from multiple sources, enabling me to provide comprehensive and accurate information within the labor dashboard.


Furthermore, this project emphasizes the importance of improving design elements to enhance the overall impact of the dashboard. In addition to utilizing lookup and SUMIF calculations, I will optimize the visual appeal and user experience of the dashboard by refining design elements such as charts, graphs, colors, and interactive features. This will enable users to effortlessly explore and interact with the data, gaining a deeper understanding of labor market trends and patterns.

Through the Maven Analytics Labor Dashboard project, I will demonstrate my proficiency in handling complex calculations and data manipulation, showcasing my ability to deliver insightful labor market analyses. The project will not only solidify my skills in data analysis and visualization but also highlight my aptitude for creating compelling and user-friendly dashboards that effectively communicate information.

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