Tools used in this project
Time Management Tools

About this project

This project is for some of the Excel tools that are not complex enough to feature with their own projects. This project is focused on time and employee management.

Monthly Budget Pacing Tool

This tool is from a Maven Analytics course. It tracks the pacing of a hypothetical month-long project. Pacing is the relationship between the percent of the budget used and percent of the time period the has passed. Overpacing means the money is being spent more rapidly than time is passing. Underpacing means money is being spent less quickly than time is passing.


This tool uses the SUMIFS formula, the VLOOKUP formula, a bar chart, and the MONTH formula, to create a bar chart comparing the percent of the budget spent and time left for the project.

Employee Schedule Dash

I created this tool by combining a schedule which codes the time based on who is working with doughnut charts to compare hour utilization and the hours by worker.


This tool uses color coded conditional formatting to identify which hours each employee works. The COUNTA, COUNTBLANK, EOMONTH,and formulas were used to create inputs to create doughnut charts comparing worked hours to hours not worked, and to compare the hours worked between employees.

To-Do List

This tool is from a Maven Analytics course. This uses a number of techniques to create a dynamic to do list that warns about unfinished tasks as they approach in time.


This tool heavily uses color coded conditional formatting. Rows with red text warn about uncompleted tasks with a high priority and the due date passed. Rows with a light orange fill represent completed and uncompleted tasks where the due date passed. Rows with a yellow fill are due today or tomorrow. Rows with green checks are complete.

Project Time Projection

This tool is from a Maven Analytics course. It consists of two doughnut charts tracking time left on a one day project and a year long project.


This tool uses the TODAY and NOW functions and arithmetic based on those functions to create a dynamic doughnut chart tracking time left in a year long project and a day long project.

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