Use Case For Chat GPT: Acronym Definitions

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Use Case For Chat GPT: Acronym Definitions

About this project

Chat GPT represents a significant leap in AI technology. AI supported technology has the ability to radically alter wide areas of culture and economics. I personally recognize this incredible potential and want to have better understanding of how to apply it. I also want to broaden my knowledge of the applications of analytics. This curiosity lead me to use Chat GPT to define terms related to analytics. This was both my first attempt at working with the app and my first carousel post on LinkedIn.

The Process

First, I wrote the following Chat GPT prompt:

Provide a numbered list of 100 acronyms for terms that data analysts should learn. Please also define them. Assume you are an aspiring data analyst trying to learn marketable skills. Divide it into two columns. Place the acronym on the first column and the definition in the second.

I entered the responses into an Excel spreadsheet.


Next, I wrote a formula to write the body of the post:

="Day"&" "&E8&" "&"of"&" "&50&" "&"Chat"& " "&"GPT"&" "&"Prompts"&CHAR(10)&"Prompt: "&CHAR(10)
&A8&CHAR(10)&"Response:"&CHAR(10)&B8&CHAR(10)&"#chatgpt #dataanalytics #manufacturing #supplychainmanagement"

I used ampersands and text values to create the portion of the text that is fixed. I used relative references for the variable portions of the posts. I used relative references to the list of acronyms to write prompts for Chat GPT to define each term separately. I copied the responses to the spreadsheet. I copied the posts generated by the formulas into scheduled LinkedIn posts.


After I finished the posts I described the process in a LinkedIn carousel.


I wanted to format the prompt to include line breaks. Concatenating text and CHAR(10) creates a line break. I learned to create a carousel on LinkedIn by importing a powerpoint.

What I Learned

Chat GPT makes errors.

The result of the original prompt was not 100 acronyms and their definitions as I intended. It was two columns of fifty rows. I also noticed a few other errors such as missing definitions or acronyms that did not match. It appears that it is necessary to check outputs for errors especially if the app is being used in a workflow where accuracy is important.

Chat GPT is great for completing repetitive tasks quickly especially if it involves finding information that is common to people outside of the user's experience.

Thank you for reading this post. If you are interested in more posts click the links to my Maven Analytics profile below or my LinkedIn featured section here.

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