About this project


The goal of utilizing Power BI for data visualization is to determine the results of rolling a pair of dice. In this particular undertaking, DAX formulas were employed to compute the likelihood of obtaining specific outcomes from 1000 dice rolls.

About the Dataset

The dataset is composed of 1000 dice rolls.

Challenge Prompt (Recommended Analysis)

The goal in this project is to calculate the probability of rolling a 7, probability of rolling a count less than 7 and the probability of rolling a count greater than 7:

  1. Card visual showing the probability of rolling a 7
  2. Card visual showing the probability of rolling a count greater than 7
  3. Card visual showing the probability of rolling a count less than 7
  4. Column chart showing the distribution of count from 2 to 12 from 1000 rolls

ETL and Data Modeling

The dataset derives from excel file loaded into Power BI and transformed in Power Query so that I may prepare the data for the visualizations.


  1. The visuals displayed in the form of cards illustrate the percentage breakdown of the probabilities associated with rolling a count that is greater than, less than, or equal to 7.
  2. Based on the calculations performed, it was determined that there is a 42% probability of rolling a count less than 7, a 41% probability of rolling a count greater than 7, and a 16% probability of rolling a count that is equal to 7.

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