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Maven Analytics | Family Leave Challenge

About this project


The Maven Analytics challenge is to create an impactful visual on paternity leave trends & patterns around the business world using crowdsourced information from over 1,500 real companies.

About the Dataset

The dataset was a single table containing 1601 rows, each with 6 distinct fields. The fields consisted of the company name, the type of industry it belongs to, and four columns that specified the duration of both unpaid and paid weeks off for paternity and maternity leave.

Challenge Prompt (Recommended Analysis)

The task at hand is to produce a compelling representation of the trends and patterns surrounding paternity leave across the business world, leveraging information from over 1,500 real companies obtained through crowdsourcing.
I will use a Power BI report to answer these questions:

  1. What percentage of companies provide paid paternity leave? What percentage of companies provide paid maternity leave?

  2. What are the average duration of paid and unpaid leave for maternity and paternity?

  3. Which five companies provide the highest combined duration of paid and unpaid leave for maternity and paternity?

  4. Which 10 industries offer the highest combined amount of leave for maternity and paternity purposes?

ETL and Data Modeling

I loaded a dataset with over 1500 companies into Power BI and performed data cleaning and column removal using Power Query for analysis purposes. I removed duplicate fields and adjusted the data type for each column as needed. Additionally, I identified and addressed any empty cells to ensure the integrity of the dataset. By performing these actions, I made the dataset more user-friendly and suitable for analysis in Power BI.


  1. Ninety-seven percent of companies provide paid maternity leave, which typically lasts for an average of 10.9 weeks, while unpaid maternity leave lasts an average of 6.2 weeks.

  2. On the other hand, only 16% of companies offer paid paternity leave, which typically lasts an average of 1.3 weeks, while unpaid paternity leave lasts an average of 0.3 weeks.

  3. Both Bitdefender and Dynatrace offer the highest amount of maternity leave, while Grant Thornton provides the most paternity leave.

  4. The technology industry provides the highest combined amount of leave for both maternity and paternity purposes.

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