Charting Growth for Portland Radio Project

Charting Growth for Portland Radio Project


About this project

Background Portland Radio Project is a Not-for-Profit organization in Portland OR. Their mission includes elevating local artists and organizations through streaming, broadcasting and podcasting, engaging new generations of arts lovers and community supporters. Their interest in creating an equitable media landscape is one of the things that resonates with me quite a bit. Not much has been dedicated to Analytics or a strategy in that regard so I tasked myself with initiating a dashboard to help create a more datacentric atmosphere and culture.

Data & Outlook PRPs mission is to elevate local artists and organizations through streaming, broadcasting and podcasting all while engaging new generations of arts lovers and community supporters. Most of their datapoints will be around streaming metrics. The small amount of data in this draft was pulled from a 3rd party that tracks listening activity, however it is not a particularly robust set of data. The goal is that ultimately the PRP Board will be able to share the news of growth and performance to their supporters and donors. Currently the organization does not have a quick easy to share visual to convey that message, so the hope is that this draft will eventually evolve into something that drives that conveys said message with an exclamation point.

The good news is that this dashboard was received with enthusiasm, and we are scoping out what stories we'd like to tell together, and where the words to that story might live. STAY TUNED!

Click here to interact with the latest version: https://public.tableau.com/views/PRPDashboard/Dashboard?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

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