Gotham City Bank - Hero to All...including Villains

Tools used in this project
Gotham City Bank - Hero to All...including Villains

GCB Dashboard

About this project

Data/Approach Initially leveraged other tools to analyze structure of the data and assess what type of transformations, if any needed to occur. Loaded to Tableau and leveraged Strategic Frameworks to consider what charts and variables could best convey the analysis. Created new calculations to support analysis (i.e. attrition rate). I really wanted this Dashboard to reflect a more direct approach to answering questions and/or asking direct question about the business/performance.

Business Case Actual client data, just not a client of mine, but when I saw this data, I reflected on my time in the banking world, my experience in consumer payment products, and my brand management studies of which the starting point for everything consumer was almost always consumer insights OR unmet needs. Who or which segment of consumers do we need to better understand, what products or new benefits do we need to present, do trends differ by region?


  • The average customer base skews older at 49.
  • Attrition rate is higher for NY than we would anticipate, given the proportion of spend relative to other states.
  • Seems the majority of attrition occurs where customers have < $8100 in credit limit.
  • Card usage may be influenced by dependents.
  • YOY spending in subcategories is HIGHER across the board.

Next Steps

  • For Consumer Insights Team, consider additions to the loyalty program that reflect "Lifestyle" of those in the average age group; and identify which subcategories to drive growth and loyalty...particularly LUXURY, Alcohol & Tobacco (Wine spending), Travel/Lifestyle.
  • For Marketing Team, aggressively engage customers in states where there is a material share of wallet on spend; and consider new programs to elevate customers from one tier to the next.

Follow this link to view in full: https://public.tableau.com/views/GothamCityBank/GothamCityBank?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

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