Tools used in this project
Superstore Super KPI Analysis

Interactive Dashboard

About this project

Data/Approach Fairly common amongst viz enthusiasts, Superstore is an extremely "clean" and robust retail sales data set. Perhaps a bit of feature engineering here and there, like most data sets, but unlike most data sets, no cleaning required. My objective in every dashboard project is to present metrics in a manner that isn't too busy to digest, rather in a clean, flexible fashion.

Business Case Superstore is common within the data viz community because it is an excellent resource for honing those skills. While you may be able to filter metrics for an earlier period, this dashboard focuses on Year on Year analysis for 2021 vs 2020. Given that, some questions I might ask include:

  1. What opportunities are there to grow purchase frequency amongst customers
  2. What type of approach, or how should that strategy be executed?
  3. What can we do to reverse some of the negative YOY trends from the spring?

Insights Thinking about some of the questions above:

  1. Looking at the Pareto Chart, we can see that customer segments of those who purchased 4, 5 6 and 7 times make up a substantial portion of the business. These are likely people who appreciate the service, products, so perhaps focusing on those customers and testing a Best Customer program with several tiers is something that could resonate. The goal would be to graduate those customers to the next tier with incentives that make for satisfied customers.
  2. By altering the dimensions to the bar chart to 'Weekday', we see that our most profitable day is Wednesday, whereas our least profitable days are the weekends. Perhaps we could drive business to the weekends by offering purchase frequency initiatives on the weekends. OR we could simply offer the incentives on those days that we are the busiest. some of the incentives that we'd be pushing to drive purchase frequency,
  3. In looking at the YOY Index Chart at the bottom, we can see a trend of drop off in performance throughout 2021. Likely due to the pandemic, but I'm real big on Voice of Consumer when it comes to insights. If we go back to the Customer Analytics Sheet Selector and choose Customer Profit Map, when area that jumps out is Burlington, North Carolina. I would try to get in touch with customers there to hear their story, and ask what might we be able to do to better meet their needs. There could be additional services that we are not currently providing, that could address customer needs and help drive profit.

Impact Dashboards are meant to give a quick snapshot of performance. This particular dashboard that allows for you to change charts completely (sheet selector in Tableau speak), or change the desired metric or variables (measures/dimensions), makes for a streamlined process in viewing different cuts of data at the end user's leisure. It results in adoption of the dashboard as resource/tool for various levels of leadership because they can spend more time finding strategic solutions as opposed to spending additional time to

Follow link to view in full: https://public.tableau.com/views/SuperstoreKPIAnalysis_16597444599180/Dashboard_SuperStore2021?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

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