Cyclist Bike Share Analysis: Converting Casual Riders to Annual Members

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Cyclist Bike Share Analysis: Converting Casual Riders to Annual Members

Cyclist Bike Share Chicago Dashboard

About this project


Cyclist is a bike share company that launched in 2016 and has grown its fleet to 5,824 bicycles and 692 stations across Chicago. While the company has been successful in attracting both casual riders and annual members, it has determined that annual members are more profitable. The marketing team believes that converting casual riders into annual members will be crucial for future growth.


The main task of this project is to analyze the historical bike trip data to identify trends and insights that can inform the design of a new marketing strategy. The goals include understanding the differences between annual members and casual riders, determining why casual riders would buy a membership, and exploring how digital media could impact marketing tactics.


The project follows the Ask, Prepare, Process, Analyze, Share, Act framework. The data preparation phase involves downloading and organizing the historical trip data for the previous 12 months. The data processing phase includes cleaning the data, merging monthly datasets, and extracting relevant information. The analysis phase involves exploring the number of rides by weekdays, calculating ride lengths, and analyzing trends by season. The data insights are then visualized using Power BI. Finally, recommendations and conclusions are drawn based on the findings.


Members take more rides than casual riders throughout the year, except during the summer season when casual riders increase their rides.

Members dominate rides on weekdays, indicating that they primarily use the bikes for commuting, while casual riders have more rides over the weekends.

Casual riders have longer average ride lengths compared to members, indicating that their rides are more sporadic and leisure-oriented.


Develop targeted marketing campaigns to highlight the convenience and cost-effectiveness of annual memberships for daily commuting.

Create summer-specific promotions to attract more casual riders and encourage them to consider annual memberships.

Leverage digital media platforms to reach out to casual riders and showcase the benefits of becoming annual members.


Based on the analysis of Cyclist's historical bike trip data, it is evident that there are distinct differences between annual members and casual riders in terms of ride frequency and ride lengths. By understanding these differences and tailoring marketing strategies to convert casual riders into annual members, Cyclist can maximize its profitability and ensure future growth. The recommendations provided aim to target casual riders and highlight the advantages of annual memberships, ultimately leading to increased conversions and long-term customer loyalty.

For a detailed analysis, you may want to reach out to me via my LinkedIn as seen on my profile for collaboration.

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