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Batman to the Rescue (Finalist)

Batman to the rescue

About this project


The Dark Knight Rises

Batman has officially entered the race! Although he is used to saving lives and fighting criminals, he found a gap in his busy schedule to save Maven Toys time and money by providing an in-depth analysis of the Maven Toys Stores in Mexico, helping them to make the right next move.


The Mission

The dataset is a sample of sales & inventory data for a fictitious chain of toy stores in Mexico called Maven Toys, including information about products, stores, daily sales transactions, and current inventory levels at each location. bat

The goal was to create a dashboard to help Maven Toys answer these questions:

Which product category drives the most profits? Is this the same across store locations? Can you find any seasonal trends or patterns in the sales data? Are sales being lost with out-of-stock products at particular locations? How much money is tied up in inventory at the toy stores? And lastly recommendation for the best possible new location.

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Discussion and feedback(1 comment)
Christopher Bruehl
Christopher Bruehl
over 1 year ago
I wish Batman would sell some of his toys... really want that grappling hook and wouldn't mind the Dark Knight Batmobile to help me break through gridlock. Amazing Visual style here Weihahn.
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