About this project

This is a project on US 2015 Arline Flight delay analysis that was done using Microsoft Power BI.

​Data Source : Quantum Analytics NG

General cleansing was carried out like promoted column headers, finding misspellings, empty cells and errors. Duplicates were removed and “null” values replaced with “0". Unneeded columns were removed and the remaining columns were formatted to befitting data types. The query function and modeling of the tables were used for perfect connections between the columns. Different measures were created using the DAX.

Data Visualization Tools : Microsoft Power BI

Insights Generated:

Total Flights : 6M

Total Cancelled Flights : 90k

Total Diverted Flights : 15k

Total Airline : 14

Total Airports : 322

Flights Trend by Month: There is a decrease of volume of flights from January with a trough in February and increases again till March when the winter ends at March 19. It probably picks up in March from 20th and a progressive increase of volume of Flights from April through June the beginning of Summer with the peak in July .

There is an intermittently increase and decrease of the volume of Flights from September to December.

Departure Delay by Airlines ( Top 5) :

The first Airline on the list that had highest departure delay is the South West Airlines followed by United Airlines Inc and the least being Virgin America

Top 5 Performing Airlines :

The best 5 airlines with little delayed and cancelled of volume of Flight are the Delta Airline Inc , American Airline Inc , Atlantic South East Airline, American Eagle Airline Inc and Alaska Airline Inc in that order

Proportion of Departure Delay in Flight:

Percentage of Departure= 90.23%

Total Fight = 9.77%

Flight Trend by Days

There is a decrease in trend of volume of flights from Monday being the first day of business with a pick up from Tuesday with the peak on Wednesday being the Mid of the week till Friday and decrease again in Saturday and a pick up for next week flights

Flight by Cancellation Reason

The weather (54.3%) contributed massively to the cancellation of Flight . Extreme weather conditions are the most obvious cause for delay in flights

28.1% was caused by Airline Carrier.

Airline carrier delay could result from baggage loading, maintenance problems, refueling or even crew punctuality.

17.5 % was caused by National Air System . Also, airlines are also putting more planes in the air than airports can handle.

And the least being security reason ( 0.0%)


  1. The airlines that had delay in flights should ensure to check the weather forecast putting an expert in charge so that there will be minimal cancellation and delayed in flights to passengers

  2. The airlines that experienced delay and cancellation of flights should put the number of planes that the airports can handle.

  3. The airlines with delayed and cancellation of flights should in matter of urgency reduce baggage loading, improve maintenance culture and refueling processes.

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