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New Years Resolutions

About this project

There are more than 4,000 tweets from 2015 originating from different parts of the United States, all related to New Year's resolutions, included in the dataset.

After a first glance at the data and reviewing the suggested questions, the tweets analysis was divided into 4 sections: Category, Time, State and Gender. Through the dataset, 15 questions are answered through 2 to 8 insights in each section.

A. Category: A.1. What is the most popular resolution category? Least popular?

SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(tweet_category) AS category_count, tweet_category
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY tweet_category
ORDER BY category_count DESC;
A.2. What is the most popular resolution category by state?
WITH ranks AS (
    select DISTINCT COUNT(tweet_category) AS total_count, 
           row_number() over (partition by tweet_state order by COUNT(tweet_category) DESC) AS state_rank 
    from New_years_resolutions_2020
    GROUP BY tweet_category, tweet_state)
    where ranks.state_rank <= 1
group by ranks.tweet_category, ranks.tweet_state, ranks.total_count, ranks.state_rank;
A.3. What is the least popular resolution category by state?
WITH ranks AS (
    select DISTINCT COUNT(tweet_category) AS total_count, 
           row_number() over (partition by tweet_state order by COUNT(tweet_category) ASC) AS state_rank 
    from New_years_resolutions_2020
    GROUP BY tweet_category, tweet_state)
    where ranks.state_rank <= 1
group by ranks.tweet_category, ranks.tweet_state, ranks.total_count, ranks.state_rank

A.4. Which resolution category was retweeted the most? Least?
SELECT DISTINCT SUM(retweet_count) AS total_retweet, tweet_category
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY tweet_category
ORDER BY total_retweet DESC;
A.5. What is the most popular resolution topic?
SELECT DISTINCT TOP 5 COUNT(tweet_category) AS category_count, tweet_topics, tweet_category
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY tweet_topics, tweet_category
ORDER BY category_count DESC;
A.6. What is the least popular resolution topic?
SELECT DISTINCT TOP 5 COUNT(tweet_category) AS category_count, tweet_topics, tweet_category 
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020] 
GROUP BY tweet_topics, tweet_category 
ORDER BY category_count ASC;
A.7. Which resolution topic was retweeted the most?
SELECT TOP 5 SUM(retweet_count) AS retweet_count, tweet_topics, tweet_category 
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
WHERE retweet_count IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY tweet_topics, tweet_category
ORDER BY SUM(retweet_count) DESC;
A.8. Which resolution topic was retweeted the least?
SELECT TOP 5 SUM(retweet_count) AS retweet_count, tweet_topics, tweet_category 
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
WHERE retweet_count IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY tweet_topics, tweet_category
ORDER BY SUM(retweet_count) ASC;

B. Time B.1 Rounding to the nearest hour, what was the most popular hour of day to tweet? How many resolutions
were tweeted?

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 5 datepart(hh,tweet_created) AS hours_tweeted, COUNT(tweet_text) AS total_tweets
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY datepart(hh,tweet_created)
ORDER BY total_tweets DESC;
B.2 Rounding to the nearest hour, what was the most popular hour of day to tweet by State? How many  
resolutions were tweeted?
WITH ranks AS (
    select DISTINCT datepart(hh,tweet_created) AS hours_tweeted, 
    COUNT(tweet_text) AS total_tweets, 
    row_number() over (partition by tweet_state order by COUNT(tweet_category) DESC) AS state_rank 
    from New_years_resolutions_2020
    GROUP BY datepart(hh,tweet_created), tweet_state)
    where ranks.state_rank <= 1
group by ranks.tweet_state, ranks.total_tweets, ranks.state_rank, ranks.hours_tweeted;
B.3 What day was the most tweeted? How many resolutions were tweeted?
SELECT DISTINCT datepart(dd,tweet_created) AS days_tweeted, datepart(MONTH,tweet_created) AS month_tweeted, COUNT(tweet_text) AS total_tweets
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY datepart(dd,tweet_created), datepart(MONTH,tweet_created)
ORDER BY total_tweets DESC;

C. State C.1 What U.S. State tweeted the highest number of NYE resolutions?

SELECT TOP 5 tweet_state, COUNT(tweet_topics) AS total_tweets
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY tweet_state
ORDER BY total_tweets DESC;
C.2 What U.S. State tweeted the least number of NYE resolutions?
SELECT TOP 5 tweet_state, COUNT(tweet_topics) AS total_tweets
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY tweet_state
ORDER BY total_tweets ASC;

D. Gender D.1 Who tweeted the most?

SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(tweet_category) AS category_count, user_gender, 
                FORMAT(round(COUNT(tweet_category) * 1.0/(SELECT COUNT(tweet_category) FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]),2,1),'0.00') AS perctg_tweets
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY user_gender
ORDER BY category_count DESC;
D.2. What twitter category was the most tweeted by gender?
SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(tweet_category) AS category_count, tweet_category, user_gender
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY user_gender, tweet_category
ORDER BY category_count DESC;
D.3. What twitter category was the most retweeted by gender?
SELECT DISTINCT SUM(retweet_count) AS total_retweet, tweet_category, user_gender
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY user_gender, tweet_category
ORDER BY total_retweet DESC;
D.4. What topic was the most tweeted by gender?
SELECT DISTINCT TOP 2 COUNT(tweet_category) AS category_count, tweet_topics, tweet_category, user_gender
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY tweet_category, user_gender, tweet_topics
ORDER BY category_count DESC;
D.5. What topic was the least tweeted by gender?
SELECT DISTINCT TOP 5 COUNT(tweet_category) AS category_count, tweet_topics, tweet_category, user_gender
FROM [New_years_resolutions_2020]
GROUP BY tweet_category, user_gender, tweet_topics
ORDER BY category_count ASC;
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