(PowerBI): A Data Analyst's Solution for Inventory Management

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(PowerBI): A Data Analyst's Solution for Inventory Management

Inventory Management Dashboard

About this project

Goals and Objectives:

My PowerBI inventory management dashboard was created to optimise inventory management, reduce costs, and make informed decisions. By providing valuable insights into inventory value, restocking costs, stock quantity and unit cost, and top vendors, the dashboard helps businesses achieve these goals and improve their inventory management.

Business Needs:

The dashboard was designed to meet the business needs of organizations that need to manage and optimize their inventory. By providing a detailed analysis of inventory-related data, the dashboard helps businesses understand the value of their inventory, the cost of restocking, and the quantity and unit cost of their stock. This data can then be used to make informed decisions about inventory management, such as reducing overstocking or adjusting restocking schedules to optimize costs.

Discovering Insights:

To create this dashboard, I first identified the key metrics businesses need to optimize their inventory management. I then worked with the available data to create interactive visualisations allowing businesses to explore and understand their inventory data easily.

I discovered meaningful insights into the data using various visualization techniques, including line charts, bar charts, and tables. For example, I could identify trends and patterns in the data, such as which vendors had the highest unit costs or which products had the most inventory value. These insights were crucial in helping businesses make informed decisions about their inventory management.

Presenting Insights:

Finally, I presented these insights clearly and concisely, making it easy for businesses to understand and use the data to make informed decisions about their inventory management. Through this dashboard, I have demonstrated my expertise in inventory analysis and data visualization, and I look forward to helping businesses optimize their inventory management in the future.

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