The Super Investors

About this project

The top money managers are often referred to as the "super-investors. I wanted to take a deep dive into their respective holdings and analyze each managers top ten stocks by frequency of appearance in the entire dataset of holdings.

The sample was 626 stocks in total. These respresented the largest holdings among all of the super investors portfolios. The dashboard shows the count of each security as well as its percentage among all of the holdings.

It was no surprise to see some of the largest companies by market value among the most widely held holdings among managers. This is clear in the word cloud. What was a little surprising was the relatively low percentage some of the most frequently held stocks represented among the whole. This would seem to indicate that the super investors own a wide variety of stocks, at least among their top holdings. In other words, MSFT for instance was a top ten holding 19 times. However, it still only represented 3% of the entire collection of the 626 stocks in the dataset.

Full dashboard here: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/chris.ford4921/viz/Super-Investors/Dashboard1

Data source:https://www.dataroma.com/m/managers.php

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