NYC 311 Calls by Category and Zip Code

NYC 311 Calls by Category and Zip Code

About this project

I was curious to analyze how types of 311 calls for service were ranked by frequency in NYC.

My raw data source was NYC open data. Once the data was uploaded I was able to sort and analyze the data and create a visualization.

Two conclusions were fairly obvious upon looking closely at the data.

The first is that road conditions, traffic lights and noise complaints were ranked top 3. In fact of the top 4 categories of calls, 75% of these were related to road conditions and resulting safety on these roads.

On the other end of the spectrum the least frequent reasons for calls generally involved real property issues. These include calls for public property records, condition of rental units, heat and hot water issues and payment/fines related to these items.

Geographically, it would appear that Brooklyn had a greater number of calls than other boroughs. This may be explained by the fact that Brooklyn has the largest population of the boroughs.

Another finding based on the visualization is that the further north you go into Manhatten, the more the call frequency increased. Perhaps this can be attributed to that southern Manhatten has more commuters daily while the northern part of the borough has more permanent residents.

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