MavenTech Quarterly Sales Performance Dashboard

Tools used in this project
MavenTech Quarterly Sales Performance Dashboard

About this project

Business Objective

Create an interactive dashboard for sales managers at MavenTech, that enables them to track their team’s quarterly performance more effectively.

MavenTech is a fictitious company that specializes in selling computer hardware to large businesses across three regions.

A user story for this case could be something like: “As a Sales Manager, I want to compare quarterly results for closed deals on various levels (company, regional, team), so that I can assess overall and team performance to inform future strategy.”


Based on the user story, the chosen metrics focus on closed deals in the selected quarter, compared to the previous quarter on various levels of detail.

  • Won Deals: number of successful transactions
  • Won%: percentage of won deals from all opportunities
  • Revenue: total revenue ($) generated from won deals
  • Average Days to Close: average number days needed to complete a deal

KPIs are displayed on company level, manager’s region level and team level. On the team level further details are included, such as monthly results, agent- and product performance.

Design and layout

Developed in Tableau, the dashboard has a single-sheet design, with a scorecard-style layout, displaying the personalized metrics for each manager.

Manager name and quarter of interest can be selected using the drop-down filters placed in the top right corner.

The upper band shows the company level and regional level KPIs.

The team level cards below take up the rest of the view. More details can be found in the tooltips of the chart by hovering over.

MavenTech Sales Performance Dashboard | Tableau Public

Dashboard built entirely in Tableau Desktop Public Edition.