Sals's Pizzeria - Since We're All Curious about Movie Businesses...

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Sals's Pizzeria - Since We're All Curious about Movie Businesses...

Interactive Dashboard

About this project

Data/Approach This dashboard kind of goes against my principle of keeping a clean, simple sheet with minimally occupied real estate. Blame it on the Other Insights and Key Observations section! Before I became a dashboard developer, I created a lot of Power Point Presentations in a world that kind of required a Takeaways/Next Steps section, so old habits die hard. Part of that decision also had to do with taking an explicit approach in guiding specific takeaways, presenting an explanatory dashboard as opposed to exploratory. Also, specifically on the real estate compromise, I wanted Sal and other end-users to see the differences/comparisons of ALL pizzas in ONE view, without having to scroll. I did however, make real good use of sheet selectors to ensure one page for all the information. Once again, this enables the user to select various levers to complete a deep dive analysis with specific numerical and variable options. The color scheme - pizza colors. Just felt like the right approach. More importantly, tried to ensure that the use of color in the text would help call out key conclusions.

Business Case Goals of this project were to do a deep dive on issues relating to popularity and seasonality - what do we want to eat, and when? Busiest days and peak times for Sal? Is there an element of seasonality? How can the menu be "optimized" as it relates to what's most popular in size and toppings, and what's most profitable? What promotions can be explored?

Insights Because this is an explanatory dashboard, insights are highlighted throughout the different sections. The one main insight that isn't so straightforward: Avg Revenue per Order is just a tad higher than Avg Revenue for the XXL Pies - Sal's largest option. What that means is consumers don't tend to purchase XXL often, but they tend to spend that much. One consideration in pushing more of XXL sales is to provide some sort of BOGO - Buy One Get One $X Off. Given that People are already spending

Impact/Follow Up Probably the most important action item left would be to take the time to coach Sal on how to navigate through this dashboard. Not that he wouldn't be able to figure it out, just that a small business owner like Sal is probably more likely to focus on customer service and business operations vs performance analysis and efficiency. Would certainly make sense to garner whatever feedback he might have as well on design, KPIs, other content, etc.

Follow this link to view in full: https://public.tableau.com/views/SalsPizzeria/SalsSnapshot?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

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