Tools used in this project
Regional Sales Dashboard

Power BI Regional Sales Dashboard

About this project

Regional Sales Dashboard

I created this dashboard to answer several questions about the business for the executives.

  • What are the best performing products?
  • What are the least performing products?
  • How has the company performed for the years 2018, 2019 & 2020
  • How well were orders processed and what was the revenue and profit from orders.
  • Who are the best customers?
  • Which customers need re-targeting?
  • Which stores are the most profitable?
  • What type of store location is the most profitable?
  • Where are the stores?

I imported the data from csv files that were extracted from the fact and dimension tables of a SQL server. Power Query was used to clean the data and prepare it for loading into Power BI. As the report had several pages to provide answers to the business questions, I implemented a pop-out navigation system to provide a convenient means of navigating the report without the navigation taking up much screen area.

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