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Cryptocurrency Dashboard

Cryptocurrency Dashboard

About this project

About the Project

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security and are decentralized, typically using blockchain technology. This dashboard aims to analyze the performance and trends of various top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization over different years.

About the Dataset

The dataset contains individual CSV files for each featured cryptocurrency, with daily price history starting from April 28, 2013. The historical data includes information on:

  • Date: The date of the price observation
  • Open: The opening price for the day
  • High: The highest price for the day
  • Low: The lowest price for the day
  • Close: The closing price for the day
  • Volume: The transaction volume for the day
  • Market Cap: The market capitalization in USD on the given day

The dataset covers major cryptocurrencies and can be accessed at the provided Kaggle link https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sudalairajkumar/cryptocurrencypricehistory

Key Insights

  • Analyze the most recent closing price
  • Determine the highest recorded closing price
  • Identify the lowest recorded closing price
  • Calculate the average closing price
  • Compare the closing prices within a selected timeframe
  • Compute the average trading volume within a given date range
  • Create a price comparison table for various cryptocurrencies
  • Identify the best and worst performers over the last 30 days and 365 days based on specific criteria (e.g., price increase, trading volume)
  • Examine the price correlation among various cryptocurrencies

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