Maven Sales Challenge | MavenTech -Sales Performance Report šŸ“ˆ

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Maven Sales Challenge | MavenTech -Sales Performance Report šŸ“ˆ

About this project

MavenTech ā€“ Sales Performance Report


MavenTech, a company that specializes in selling computer hardware to large businesses, requires visibility of its data outside of its new CRM platform to track its sales opportunities.


Develop an interactive dashboard that empowers MavenTech's sales managers to effectively track and analyze their Sales performance across various levels (all regions, team regions, and individual sales agents) on a quarterly basis.


The data contains B2B sales opportunities from a CRM database including information on:

  • Accounts
  • Products
  • Sales teams
  • Sales opportunities

The Above tables consist of 18 fields and 8800 records in CSV format.

The Deal Pipeline stages consist of Prospecting > Engaging > Won / Lost

Processing and Modeling Data

Minimal data cleaning was done, and currency columns were formatted. Columns were added to the 'sales_pipeline' table to track deal engagement to sale close duration, with separate columns for engage/close dates by month. Relationships between tables were established after minor formatting

Interactive Filters:

The dashboard provides various filters to enable focused analysis:

Region: allows filtering by a particular region.

Quarter: allows selecting a specific quarter for performance analysis.

Manager: facilitates selecting multiple managers to compare their teams' performance.

Sales Agent: enables filtering by individual sales agents within a selected team.

Performance Metrics:

The dashboard displays key metrics to assess team and individual sales agent performance:

Opportunities: Represents the sum of won and lost deals within the selected criteria.

Won Deals: Calculates the proportion of won deals out of the total deals.

Lost Deals: Calculates the proportion of lost deals out of the total deals.

Revenue: Represents the total close value from won deals based on the applied filters.


This project showcases a unique step forward in visualizing and understanding MavenTech's company sales landscape. By incorporating interactive features such as charts and graphs, has empowered the regional managers to gain deeper insights into their sales teams.

Discussion and feedback(2 comments)
Krishna Mahato
Krishna Mahato
23 days ago
Very good work

abhijeet anurag
abhijeet anurag
22 days ago
The insights are quite informative
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